Student Mailboxes: Sanity Saver #981616

Ok, so  collecting and returning student work. There are many methods, ranging from trays to baskets, to throwing work at a child and saying, “OMG hand this out please, kthx.”

But the method I’ve used for the past few years is tried and true, and saves me so much time and sanity. Mailboxes!!!

You can get mailboxes from a variety of places. You can pay a ton for a colorful one from a teacher store, or you can pay a little less than a ton at Staples or something of that sort. I got mine at staples. For a few years, I’ve stared at this sad puppy. 

gray and sad

As un-cute as it was, it did the trick. I assign my students numbers at the beginning of the year. Here in Florida, we cap out at 22 in upper elementary grades, so I labeled each box 1-22. Every morning, students had a routine which went as follows:

– Unpack

-Write in planner

– Give and get mail

My kids knew that meant to visit their mailboxes. That is where they could expect everything they would need for the day, and that’s where I expected to see their work turned in. (Sometimes, some days were less enchanting than others when it came to that…)

It’s an easy way to do all of that giving and collecting of work. It’s also an easy way to glance over the mailboxes and see which little lovely didn’t turn in spelling homework. At that point, you can yell across the room  quietly call over child #2 and ask, “My dear, I see your mailbox is empty. Explain?” and then you can go on a life experience lecture about excuses if you don’t like what you hear. But that’s another story altogether.

Anyway, this year my classroom is themed with black backgrounds and a variety of bright colors. It’s nice and cohesive, and easy to add to. So I went to Walmart and collected all of the black spray paint they have. Then I went to Lakeshore, and found these calendar numbers. They were flimsy, so I laminated them and then used fabric glue (IDK why, it works?) to stick them to each box. I made the MAILBOXES sign and viola! So much more appealing to look at. *happy sigh*



Now…who is going to help me carry this back to my classroom next month? Any takers?


22 thoughts on “Student Mailboxes: Sanity Saver #981616

  1. Can you tell me what kind of paint you used? I’m concerned about painting my mailboxes, but I HATE the current dull gray color.

  2. Can’t wait to paint my mailboxes now. Should have thought of that years ago. Also off to buy those numbers. Is your mailbox sign in your TPT so I can purchase that too? Thanks!

  3. I love your mailbox sign and numbers. Are they for sale in your TPT store or can they be downloaded somewhere? Thanks!!

  4. How do the shelves hold up? I’ve read the reviews and many customers have complained of the “cardboard” shelves. What are your thoughts?

    • Mine have held up very well with daily use by students. Mine are going on 6 years in my classroom and I’m not sure how many years they were previously used in an office. (I bought them used)

  5. I was lucky to find a used mail box for $5 at a garage sale. I was setting up my classroom for my first year of teaching so I’ve always used a “mailbox” and I love it.

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